Reach people where they are

We live in a world today where many people leave their homes less and engage the world through the Internet more. Due to this dramatic shift in culture, Christians should also shift their focus to greater Internet use and more active outreach online for God's glory and purpose (1 Corinthians 9:19-23). Our mission is to help churches and businesses improve their online presence, setting up outreach methods accessible to people locally and globally. These low-cost and no-cost solutions can help reach people that they would never contact without using online technology.

In a recent survey, 60% of churched adults responded that they hope churches will use digital means of bringing people together. We can provide practical online solutions for this purpose which will not require you having a local technology expert to put them into practice.

Fulfill the Great Commission

Jesus has called Christians to make disciples, baptize them, and then continue to teach them (Matthew 28:18-20). While baptism requires in-person contact, we can work to make disciples and continue to teach them through a myriad of means online.  Christian Online Outreach helps churches and businesses to elevate their outreach and effectiveness using proven methods. Websites, social media pages, Google listings, Zoom meetings, and more can be organized and optimized to help people grow closer to Christ. Prayerfully consider reaching out to us and receiving a free consultation.

Helping churches and nonprofits to Reach others Through the internet

Use technology more powerfully for God's glory.